3PL Industry Study 2012

The 16th annual 3PL industry study was released at this year’s CSCMP conference in Philadelphia. With more than 1600 shippers and 700 representatives from 3PL companies this years study covers the current state of the third party logistics market, emerging logistics markets, high tech/electronic, talent management and strategic assessment.

Key findings are that 64% of shippers from trucking, to rail, and ocean are increasing their use of 3PL services and an average of 42% of total logistics expenditures are spent on logistics outsourcing. At the same time, 24% of respondents reported a return to insourcing 3PL solutions and 58% report they are reducing or consolidating the number of 3PLs they use. Today’s 3PL marketplace is experiencing significant change and established 3PLs are adjusting their business models to provide greater value to customers. The report still shows a desire among shippers for third party logistics providers to improve their IT and technology offering to allow better visibility into inventory.

Current state of the market:

“While 69% of shipper respondents are satisfied with the openness, transparency, and communication received from 3PLs, only 62% of 3PLs are satisfied with these characteristics in their relationships with customers.”


“74% of electronics companies cite visibility as the top service they would like to see from 3PLs, no matter the size or location of the shipper.”

Talent Management: 

“41% of shippers and 36% of 3PLs are concerned or significantly concerned that their organization has a number of stars, but their culture/history has not encouraged them to work collaboratively as a team (team effectiveness).”

The 2012 3PL study was supported by:

  • Capgemini
  • Penn State
  • Panalpina
  • Heidrick & Struggles
  • Eyefortransport

Journal of Commerce Logistics Newsletter

The Journal of Commerce is one of those email newsletters that anyone who has been in the logistics industry long enough is subscribed to.

Considered by many to be a “first-read” for international trade and logistics professionals, JOC Daily Newswire provides the latest news and analysis on current issues effecting the global logistics industry.

This free daily logistics newsletter provides continuously updated news coverage on the International Trade, Logistics and Transportation industry – from container shipping, to trucking, railroads, cargo airlines, customs security and technology – the JOC team of experts delivers the news you need to better manage your supply chain logistics and shipping needs.

Subscribe Free to the JOC Daily Newswire

3PL CEO Survey

How have 3PL CEOs changed their view of the world given the economic environment and shifts in the third party logistics industry?

Susan Lacefield, Associate Managing Editor at DC Velocity and Robert Lieb of Northeastern University discuss the 17th annual 3PL CEO Survey of North America, Europe, and Asia in this video.

Subscribe to DC Velocity Magazine for Free

Largest 3PL Companies 2010

Logistics Management recently spoke with Dick Armstrong of logistics consulting firm, Armstrong & Associates, who recently announced the top 5 biggest North American 3PL companies by warehousing space in 2010.

Top 5 Largest Third Party Logistics Providers

  1. DHL Exel Supply Chain – 94.6 million sq. ft. of warehousing space
  2. Jacobson Companies – 35 million sq ft. of warehousing space
  3. GENCO – 34.7 million sq. ft. of warehousing space
  4. Ozburn Hessey Logistics – 30.1 million sq. ft. of warehousing space
  5. Caterpillar Logistics Services – 29 million sq. ft. of warehousing space

Source: Logistics Management

Third Party Warehousing: Adding Value & Complexity

The majority of 3PL service providers today cite reducing operating expenses as the dominant pressure facing their warehouse operations. In this free logistics whitepaper, Aberdeen focuses on insights from 51 3PLs whose offerings include warehousing services and explores how they are coping with current economic conditions.

This free logistics white paper covers:

  • What makes the best-in-class 3PLs leaders in their respective fields and what capabilities they use to achieve superior results.
  • Case Study examples in the Americas, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.
  • How other enterprises and 3PLs are upgrading and enhancing their internal processes and capabilities and to add value to their client companies.
  • Outlook and goals best-in-class companies have charted for 2010 and beyond—both to improve their service/cost offering and to examine the pros and cons of outsourcing some or all of their warehousing operations.

Get FREE Third Party Warehousing Whitepaper

Midwest 3PL & Logistics Services

The Midwestern United States (typically known as the “Midwest”) is one of the most important logistics corridors in the country and just about any logistics company that matters has some presence in this vital region. With a population of more than 66 million residing in these 12 states, it is one of the most important of the 4 geographic regions in the US.

From Chicago, the third largest freight handler in the world and the single largest rail transfer in the United States to key distribution points in St. Louis, Indianapolis, and Minneapolis/St. Paul among others, the Midwest is home to professional 3PL service providers strategically located to best service the midwest region and to create strong anchors in nationwide warehousing and distribution networks.

Midwest Logistics Companies by State

The Midwest has long been a logistics stronghold and you will find quality third party logistics companies providing warehousing, freight management, and integrated logistics providers in all states in the Midwest. As you can see, we have officially launched the entire Midwest region at Logistics List with listings from 3pl companies in each market.

Pacific Northwest Logistics & Warehousing

The Pacific Northwest has always been a key region for the logistics industry but it is likely to emerge as a growth area in the 3PL industry as the population in the surrounding areas continues to grow and as our trade with China picks up.

While Southern California had the most notable spike in traffic during the recession, the Pacific Northwest with its key ports in the Portland, OR and Seattle, WA markets, will become increasingly important in the coming years.

Currently around 70% of international cargo coming into the region is intermodal and transferred via rail to bigger inland markets such as Chicago. But with West Coast trade volumes set to double by 2020, the Pacific Northwest is set to become key to supporting this growth.

For companies looking for reliable logistics and warehousing services in the pacific northwest there are many excellent logistics companies in Seattle and  3pl providers in Portland.

5 Key Steps to Optimize Warehouse Management

In these challenging economic times, it is not surprising that managers across all areas of supply chain are being asked to do more with less. In fact, 51% of respondents are feeling the pressure to manage change without increasing staffing or warehouse space.

Learn the 5 Key Steps for 3PL, logistics and supply chain professionals to consider through 2010 in this free report from the Aberdeen Group. [Read more…]

Best Practices in Global Logistics

JDA recently released a new complimentary white paper covering “Best Practices in Global Logistics.”

As a result of global sourcing, transportation management and third party logistics is becoming more strategic at companies where it has not traditionally been a core competency.

Some key best practices for logistics management covered  include:

  • Evaluate and determine the right logistics operating model
  • Establish strategic relations with 3PL providers and get alignment on performance metrics
  • Deploy global visibility and exception-management processes and systems
  • Optimize the global flow of goods through intelligent routing and consolidation
  • Institute a continuous process for ongoing logistics/supply chain network design and scenario analysis

Get Free “Best Practices in Global Logistics” Whitepaper

4 New States Added to 3PL Directory

To ring in the beginning of 2010, we have again expanded Logistics List into 4 new states in our continued mission to expand the depth of our leading 3PL directory serving the warehousing, transportation, and distribution industries.

The new states added to Logistics List include: