Directory of CDL training and truck driving schools. Learn more about trusted CDL training schools specializing in preparing truck drivers to work in the trucking and logistics industry.
Schneider CDL Training Program
Schneider provides one of the leading CDL training programs with a generous CDL reimbursement program and a list of trusted CDL driving schools.
Smith & Solomon CDL Training
Smith and Solomon is a respected CDL training school serving New Jersey, Delaware and Pennsylvania for over two decades.
TDA Truck Driving School
Since 1985, TDA has provided trusted CDL training schools in California, Oregon, Illinois, Georgia, Texas, Washington, and Utah. Truck Driving Schools partners with technical schools to provide quality CDL training programs and offer trucking driving classes in North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, and Mississippi.
Truck Driver Institute
Founded in 1973, Truck Driver Institute Inc. has CDL training schools in Florida, Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Indiana, South Carolina, Kentucky, and Tennessee.
ROEHL Transport CDL School
Located in Marshfield, WI; ROEHL's CDL school is renowned in the logistics industry for its best in class truck driving school.
Midwest Technical Institute CDL Training
Midwest Technical Institute provides comprehensive CDL training at it's campus's in Illinois, Missouri, and Mississippi.
Progressive Truck Driving School
Founded in 1974, Progressive Truck Driving School is known as one of the Chicago, IL areas most premier truck driving schools with three locations to choose from in Illinois which include Lansing, IL; Chicago, IL and Cicero, IL.
IITR Truck School
IITR has provided trusted, quality CDL training serving Oregon and Washington State since 1981 making it the oldest continually licensed truck driving school in both Oregon and Washington.
Western Truck School
Western Truck School is a leading California based trucking driving and CDL school. Western has 4 locations in California including Bakersville, Sacramento, San Diego, and Turlock, CA.