This is a quote from a recent article by Hiawatha Bray a Reporter for The Boston Globe
“Don’t bother me with a pitch for a story that would never, ever appear in the Boston Globe. This is a newspaper, not a technical trade rag. Your hot new breakthrough in supply chain management may wow them at the next convention of the International Warehouse Logistics Association, but the readers of the Boston Globe won’t give a rip. So keep it to yourself, okay?”
Looking at this statement I wonder why supply chain management and warehousing are not given more mainstream business news coverage. Third Party Logistics services are those which can be and are utilized by just about any company producing products or raw materials.
Maybe news releases on innovations in the storing and trucking of goods is not as exciting as the latest PR blitz by Google offering some new service that only a small percentage of the population will actually use, but if it is not already, logistics should be considered of vital importance to the business community.
Logistics and Supply chain management are not some fad. They are necessary business processes. But maybe the reason I’m writing this is because this site is an “online technical trade rag.”