3PL Directories and Logistics Buyers Guides

Finding the right logistics provider can be a challenging and sometimes overwhelming process. That is one of the major reasons why I started Logistics List. By searching through our 3PL directory and reading features on logistics trends and selection criteria, I sincerely hope you are helped in the process of finding the right third party logistics provider for your company.

The internet is a great resource for finding relevant logistics directories and you will find great information to aid in 3PL selection, but by all means you should consider exploring another avenues as well.

You will continue to hear about the death of print and trade magazines but I still feel it is very worthwhile getting a hold of a few free Logistics Buyers guides to supplement your online research. A few buyers guides that I would highly recommend are:

American Public Warehouse Register (APWR): published annually and can be obtained for free with a subscription to Logistics Management. I personally find this to be the best organized and easy to navigate of the logistics directories.

Inbound Logistics Planner : Another annually published 3rd party logistics directory which typically comes out in January is usually included free with a subscription to Inbound Logistics Magazine.

Logistics Today Buyers Guide: This is the official buyers guide/directory for Logistics Today magazine which typically is published in Aug/Sept. The guide is also included with a subscription.

Also, I know this is obvious but get out there and talk to people! Ask your colleagues and friends about logistics companies they’ve had experiences with. Go to logistics conferences held by organizations like WERC and CSCMP. Find out what others in your industry actually think about the companies that you’ve been researching or about outsourcing logistics in general. This is crucial not just for selecting a logistics provider but for just about anything in business.