It seems like every month you hear about another major 3PL merger or acquisition; strengthening or creating yet another massive 300 pound Gorilla, supply chain management conglomerate. But according to Michael Stolarczyk, a business development director at Exel Logistics, small to mid-market regional logistics providers are still viable and very much in demand.
Some clients outsourcing logistics services to 3PL providers feel that they can get better results by using one or even a number of different niche logistics companies. With smaller logistics providers some customers feel that they get more specialized attention and have access to top management figures that aren’t always as accessible when working with the big guys.
There are also other great advantages to working with a “lean, mean” third party logistics provider that focuses on a few regions for it’s public warehousing and transportation offerings. These include working with companies that specialize in servicing your particular industry, product or lane segment.
It is important to assess your company’s needs before making a decision what type of 3PL to outsource your services to. While a smaller or medium sized provider might be perfect for one company a large global provider may be the right fit for another. Be sure to use due dilligence when evaluating your needs.
3PLwire also has a good write up on the use of small/medium sized 3PLs : part 1, part 2
source: Niche Logistics Companies Play Important Role