Today I’ve decided to compile a few 3pl whitepapers for people that are just starting to research the possibility of outsourcing their company’s logistics to a third party provider.
All three whitepapers are direct links to the PDFs and do not require you to provide any contact information. Personally that is the thing I have always hated about white papers. If you are just beginning to look into 3PL outsourcing, you typically just want to get ahold of some quality information on logistics outsourcing before you actually start talking to sales reps.
Whitepapers such as these are an excellent way to “do your homework” so that you can go into the discovery process with a better understanding of third party logistics companies and their business processes.
3PL Selection and Implementation
This is a great overview on both selecting and implementing a 3PL provider provided by Capacity LLC.
“Outsourcing logistics functions to 3PLs has been a source of competitive advantage for most companies. Most companies cite greater flexibility, operational efficiency, improved customer service levels, and a better focus on their core businesses as part of the advantages of engaging the services of 3PLs.”
Read 3PL selection and Implementation
Selection Factors in Logistics Outsourcing – A View from Third-Party Logistics Customers
This is a great report provided by the past president of the International Warehousing Logistics Association.
“Logistics and supply chain management have often
been among the first functions to be outsourced.
This has moved beyond the warehousing and
trucking functions and spread to ancillary services
such as light assembly. However, once a
manufacturer or retailer makes the business decision
to outsource its logistics function, what are the
primary factors that influence its choice of thirdparty
logistics (3PL) provider? Is it price, service,
location or technology?”
Read Selection Factors in Logistics Outsourcing
The Business Virtues of 3PLs
How Third Party Logistics Providers Pass Value Down the Supply Chain
A helpful 3PL Whitepaper provided by Maritz
“Third Party Logistics Providers (3PLs) are focused on
fulfillment and nothing else. They manage inventory, ship
it, and attend to all service functions accompanying both.
Any 3PL worth its salt will be equipped with an arsenal of
cutting edge fulfillment technologies. It will also employ
proven methodologies and demonstrate a broad range of
skills acquired as a result of spending years on the job.
Great 3PLs are managed by fulfillment experts and staffed
by professionals well trained in the art and practice of
getting product out the door. To customers, the service
assets possessed by 3PLs translate to far greater efficiency
and cost savings. For the people at the opposite end of the
supply chain, clients, consumers, and end-users, the song
remains the same.”
Read The Business Virtues of 3PLs